Il était une FOIS… the Once Upon a TIME Wiki

Planet Earth had 26 episodes:

  1. Planet guards
  2. Climate I: Far North
  3. Water in India
  4. Water in Sahel
  5. Amazon forest
  6. Energies exhaustion
  7. Fair trade
  8. Oceans in danger
  9. Ecosystems
  10. Water of the World
  11. Poverty
  12. Forests of the world
  13. Excessive fishing
  14. Climate II: Origins
  15. Farming
  16. Biodiversity
  17. Climate III: Effects
  18. Recycling
  19. Women of the World
  20. Children's labour
  21. New energies
  22. House and city
  23. Climate IV: Solutions
  24. Children: Health and Education
  25. Technologies
  26. Tomorrow

The four-part climate series may also be referred to via its subtitles:

  1. Far North
  2. Origins
  3. Effects
  4. Solutions

As can the children series:

  1. Labour
  2. Health and Education

Water has three:

  1. India
  2. Sahel
  3. The World